Inspiring Spaces
Our curriculum is enriched and enhanced by the learning spaces available to our children.
From resource-rich classrooms and specialist learning spaces, to a wealth of outdoor facilities, our children have access to a wide range of high-quality, enabling learning spaces. Every class has access to ICT equipment, whether this be desktop computers or laptops, and we encourage children to use a wide variety of tools and equipment to explore their learning deeply and creatively, from specialist science equipment to art and design materials.
Inspiring Internal Spaces:
One of the most recent additions to the Ridgeway provision is the library, which opened in summer 2022. This new space was designed to inspire children and further develop their love of reading and books. They can browse, explore and immerse themselves in high quality fiction and non-fiction texts, as well as borrow books to read at home. The space is equipped with a large display screen that can be used for classes to watch well-known texts being brought to life through story telling videos, often by the authors themselves. Our library is also used as a hub for training and other events, such as parent workshops.
ICT Suite
Our ICT suite is equipped with desktop and laptop computers and can accommodate 30 learners at a time. This facility enables the children to explore the computing curriculum and develop a range of ICT skills. In addition, all classrooms either have desktop computers and/or laptops available for children to use as part of their everyday learning. We also have a range of other ICT equipment, including: digital microscopes, digital measuring devices (e.g. thermometers), programmable devices, visualisers, as well as a range of software packages that all enhance children’s learning both within the computing and other curriculum areas.
Music Room
Our dedicated music room is well equipped with a range of musical instruments, and is where our specialist music teachers deliver the music curriculum to Years 1-6. In addition, this is where peripatetic teachers from the Croydon Music Service, can deliver individual or small group music lessons
Ridgeway Nurture
Ridgeway Nurture, led by a team of experience Teaching Assistants, offers children a safe space to understand and explore emotions in our dedicated Nurture Room. The room is furnished in a comfortable and relaxed way, to ensure children feel safe and welcomed while being supported. The nurture team have an array of books, games, toys and resources that are used to support children’s social and emotional needs. For further information about this provision, please click here.
Inspiring External Spaces:
Our school situation means we benefit from extensive grounds and a wealth of green outdoor space, which we maximise fully to enhance children’s learning and play.
Forest School
Our Forest School, is a natural environment with trees. At Ridgeway Forest School we aspire to helping children:
Develop as responsible, collaborative and confident learners.
Develop an understanding of their relationship to themselves, to one another and to the natural world.
Develop as custodians of the natural environment.
The principles of Forest Schools are:
Regular sessions, which aim to promote holistic development, fostering resilience, confidence, independence and creativity - values which are intrinsic to the Ridgeway ethos of teaching and learning.
Cycle of planning including observation, adaptation and review links each session.
Uses a range of learner centred processes to create a community for being, development and learning.
Always led by qualified Forest School practitioners.
Sessions at Forest School always involve a sequence of at least 6 sessions, in which takes place child led learning encased within a clear structure.
Reception Garden
Our Reception children have an incredible garden space in which they can explore and learn through play. The space has been designed to specifically support and enhance children’s early years development. It includes: a climbing frame, a mud kitchen, digging patches, a small world space, a large sand pit which is interconnected with water troughs, as well as carefully chosen plants and pathways. Also in their outside space, our Reception children have a story corner with log seating, a stage for performing and a variety of other resources that children can independently access during their play. For further information about our Early Years provision, please click here.
Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA)
The MUGA, is our all-weather, astro-turf pitch that enables sports that require a flat, level surface (e.g. hockey, cricket, tennis etc) to be taught more effectively during P.E. lessons. Additionally, our classes take turns to use this space during the break and lunch times so children can play team games, such as football and basketball.
Daily Mile Track
Following a successful bid for National Lottery Funding, we installed a Daily Mile rubber mulch track on our field in the summer of 2019. This enables all our pupils to participate in the Daily Mile initiative (which encourages 15 minutes of exercise everyday) in all weathers.
KS1 Climbing Frame
Our Year 1 and 2 children have an exciting climbing frame, on which they can play during break and lunch times. The children often express how having their turn on the climbing frame is a particular highlight of the week.
KS2 Trim Trail
Similar to the KS1 climbing frame, the KS2 trim trail is a larger space that has been designed specifically with our older children in mind, so they can enjoy a range of physical challenges during the break and lunchtimes. Both this and the KS1 climbing frame encourage a high degree of physical activity among children, as well as offer something ‘different’ during their play times.
The allotments are a space where learning grows - literally! Different vegetables and fruits are prepared, grown and harvested throughout the year. Recycled tyre planters are home to an array of herbs, planted to encourage wildlife, before being used in our Forest School cooking sessions. In addition, mini-beast hotels are home to the tiniest species of our school community and support endless opportunities for discovery.